Autumn is a stunning time of year on our Frenchman’s Creek Kayak Adventures. Pictured below the calm waters of Frenchman’s Creek made infamous by Daphne du Maurier’s novel.
Russet and green are reflected water on the Frenchman’s Creek, making the water a florescent green! Stunning to observe when we moor up on Frenchman’s Creek to enjoy our hot chocolate and hobnobs!
The wildlife is stunning too with a variety of birds including cormorants diving down to catch fish in the empty waterways.
The cobalt blue skies reflected on the river, a stunning contrast to the turning leaves of the ancient oak trees.
Herons and egrets are now easier to spot sitting in trees.
The bright blue Kingfishers are also sighted on the creeks, flying past as we kayak along Frenchman’s Creek and the Helford River.
Kayak Adventures available daily, high tide Frenchman’s Creek, low tide along Helford River and discovering the Hidden Chapel.